On the eve of WORLD HEALTH DAY(7th April) My TEN COMMANDMENTS of COVID from PUBLIC’s perspective!!(कुछ महत्वपूर्ण पहलू सबके लिए) Rampaging COVID( Second of so many impending WAVES) makes a few things crystal clear..

1)MASK is the only realistic protection.
2) Vaccine is NO protection except, perhaps less mortality & severity, but We must go for vaccination as beggars cant be choosers!
3) As the frightening scenario is emerging,We May need a complete LOCKDOWN even for short period..In such a scenario, MIGRATION should be stopped (without any Political overtones) 4) The emerging Newer strains are a reality & must be researched full throttle.
5) INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL must be stopped as soon as possible, lest it can be too late..ये गलती ना दोहरायी जाए!!

6) Poor Cold chain May be a factor in the lesser effectiveness of vaccine given the soaring temp & questionable infrastructure in smaller centres.
7) Though, it is easier said than done, shrug off the inevitable “PANDEMIC FATIGUE”. This is leading to slackness, recklessness & complacency which can be detrimental.8.)Strictly adhere to All Covid specific behaviour & protocol like,Sanitisation & Social distancing( though utopian) Again, MASK is the “Bahubali”.
9.) Remember!Parties..Holidaying..Rendezvous..Merry Making..Uncalled for Marketing can wait but COVID WON’T!..जान रहेगी तो पार्टी होती रहेगी! यहाँ ये भी समझना ज़रूरी है की Economy अति आवश्यक है पर जान से ज़्यादा नहीं! ये याद दिलाने की ज़रूरत है क्या “जान है तो जहान है?
10) COVID is a reality & will be our part & parcel for a long time! आप सोच सकते हैं की 70% population को immunity develop करने में कितना समय लगेगा( Infected & immunised) ? तब तक दुनियाँ और भारत की क्या स्थिति होगी ये सोचकर सिहर जाता हूँ?…Behave responsibility..Covid से ..डरना ज़रूरी है!..But,Don’t press PANIC buttons…Do your bit, The ALMIGHTY will bail us out of this terrible PANDEMIC!!…करोना ने स्वास्थ्य के महत्व को पूर्ण रूप से उजागर कर दिया है!!!ALL THE BEST for WORLD HEALTH DAY.

Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Das

Associate professor
Nalanda Medical College and Hospital
Patna, Bihar