Sonnets to Laura in the museum of antiquities

Sonnets to Laura in the museum of antiquities

They wanted to live forever-among gods, equal to gods.
They ordered their names incised in the stone of stele,
So they would endure enchanted in the hieroglyphs-
Immune to rain and wind.

They took necessary and valuable things on their last journey.
Carefully prepared, they crossed the threshold of eternity.
Dark, gazes, full of surprise, follow me from the sarcophagi.
This is not how they imagined Eden and the meeting with fate.
The Book of the Dead did not mention crowds of sightseers.
Their jewels disappeared in display cases, and thieves’ pockets.
Desiccated bodies and ancient linen wrappings,
Remain the only souvenirs of life.

No one knows exactly what she looked like or who she was.
Was her hair flaxen?
She did not know she would become the warm breath of a poem.
He fell in eternal love with her. Life parted them, but not death.
The song of sonnets erected an ephemeral monument,
And bestowed immortality.
The words of the songs remained more legible
Than stone pyramids.

She did not do anything, but exist.

Alicja Maria Kuberska