Battle for becoming 47th President of USA has entered it’s final round.A lot of water has flown down the rivers of this vast country ever since Kamala Harris,a black qualified woman of South Asian origin entered the fray in July. Donald Trump has a solid backing of rural white and working class in urban areas as opposed to educated and professionals who support Harris. Race factor is also slated to be one of the determinants.


Different Personalities


While awfully rich Trump is arrogant, boastful, obsessed with revenge, believing in verbal attacks on his opponent, Kamala belonging to middle class is calm,polished and light hearted.In view of storming of Capitol by the supporters of Trump on 6th January 2021(140 officials were attacked), and over 4000 cases against him, majority of voters think that he should face charges even if he is elected.There is an apprehension that he may compel Justice Department to drop federal charges against him. On the contrary, Harris has begun her career with a clean slate. Trump has proved to be an unstable person with extreme views and conduct, so much so, that he mocked Kamala during a Catholic Charity Dinner in New York.


Issues That Matter


As far as highlighting of issues is concerned, Trump has emphasized on economy,immigration, law & order and war in Middle East.

While for Kamala, social justice, equality, women’s rights, health care, climate change and future of Americans are being accorded priority. In addition, several other issues came up for discussion during their only T.V. debate on 10th September.


Last Minute Meetings


Now that less than a week is left for the election day, both the candidates have accelerated and intensified campaigning.


There is a saying ‘while Trump is complaining,

Kamala is campaigning’.


Two rival meetings deserve to be mentioned in this regard:

Madison Square Garden rally of Trump and Kamala’s Final Argument Rally at Ellipse,Washington.


While the first one mocked the immigrants,such as,Puerto Ricans, Africans, Jews & Palestinians and intention to use the military against internal enemies, the second one was full of positive promises and stress on burning issues concerning health and security of women folk.


Remark of A Comedian


A remark by Tony Hinchcliffe,Comedian that Puerto Rico is a floating island of garbage in the middle of ocean, has angered people of Puerto Rico living in Pennsylvania so much that not only Trump is having tough time but voters can make or break his chances of return to White House. Though J.D.Vance, Trump’s running mate is maintaining that reaction to statement of Tony Hinchcliff was over blown, the Latino voters in a few swing states too have got very offended.

While Trump camp is all out for damage control, Kamala supporters have rightly SEIZED the opportunity.


Entry of prominent Republican & Democrat women


For the first time the candidature of a woman has attracted support and mobilization from a couple of women who were supposed to have been in opposition Republican camp.In addition, both the Obamas- Barrack and Michelle have begun addressing meetings aggressively in support of Kamala. This has ensured a solid boost to the events.


Barbara Pierce Bush, daughter of George Bush has begun endorsing the candidature of Harris by going door to door in Pennsylvania.She is asking people to vote for Kamala to move the country forward and for protection of rights of women.


Liz Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Chaney too has announced her support for Kamala.


Susan Ford Bales, daughter of former President Gerald Ford has expressed the view that “we witnessed January 6,2021 attack and the horrors of it.We can never allow a repeat of that tragedy.”

Jennifer Lopez has announced that she would speak at a Harris campign rally in Las Vegas.Lopez who is a Puerto Rican, has posted a portion of speech of Kamala defending the island.


Further,more than two hundred staffers who have worked under Senior and Junior Bush (both former Presidents),have also endorsed Kamala by warning that a second Trump Presidency would irreparably damage our beautiful democracy.


Michelle Obama the former First Lady spoke from heart in defence of Kamala at Michigan.Through her powerful speech, she defended the right to abortion in addition to securing other securities to women. She warned against a second term for Trump and argued that election could have life or death consequences for women. Though Trump has called her nasty, Michelle is going to address another rally at Atlanta.


Incidently, Michigan ,home of motor city remains a CRITICAL swing state.Since 2008 whoever has won here, has moved into White House, including Trump in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020.


Barrack Obama, the former President too addressed the supporters of Kamala at Philadelphia. He emphasized that there was an urgent need to turn the page on Trump.According to him, Kamala stood for welfare of families, middle classes and working class. While Trump believed in taking revenge, Kamala was to take us forward, he added.



Kamala’s “Final Argument”


Kamala Harris addressed an audience of 75,000 (largest ever) in the evening of 29th October at the Ellipse in Washington.She delivered a passionate address and took an aim at Trump’s turmoil. She stressed the need to move away from the turmoil that characterised Trump’s time in office and highlighted her commitment to fostering optimism and progress. She urged undecided voters to turn the page on Trump’s Presidency. She criticized Trump for promoting division and chaos, while he was in power.Legacy of his rally on January 6,2021 could not be defended.She spoke in detail on taxes,abortion, serious challenge posed by immigration and use of military against citizens as indicated by Trump.


In addition, through an advertisement she says ‘ I will never forget what Trump did’.She added that she will fight for the interest of people of Puerto Rico whose island was abandoned by Trump during Maria hurricane in 2017 and people got only paper towel and insult.As election day approaches, Kamala is keen on rallying support among Latino voters and highlight shortcomings of Trump’s leadership.


Undesirable and disparaging comment about Puerto Ricans and others by Tony Hinchcliff has drawn condemnation from celebrities and politicians across party lines.As such contest between two main contenders has been a bitter one which has created division and polarisation in U.S.A.


Latest information suggests that Donald Trump has a slight edge over Kamala Harris in four out of seven swing states.These are: Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Arizona.Harris is leading in the states of Michigan and Arizona. Both are, however, tied in Nevada.These states

always play a decisive role in determining Presidency.This year will be no exception.


Further, Harris is leading Trump by 54% to 40% among Latino voters. Overall , Harris has taken lead over Trump by a single percentage point( 44 % to 43%). But any marginal lead may not be enough to win the election.This highly competitive election is shaping up to be one of the most uncertain one’s in recent history.

As the election day approaches, both the candidates are making final appeals to the voters. It appears that 2024 election may turn out to be a defining moment in the history of U.S.A. As the voters become ready to vote on 5th November, a question will be raised in their mind-Who will be the winner in this closely contested election ?


Alok k.Shrivastava ,

Ex-C.S, Govt.of Sikkim



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