Tremendous water has flown down polluted river Yamuna ever since we lost the most qualified, honest and efficient to the core Prime Minister of the World. Demise of Dr. Manmohan Singh at the age of 92 years on 26th December is an irreparable loss, by all means.A simple & noble soul, father of liberalization, an economist & reformer, above board, he was receiving treatment at AIIMS. But deteriorating health did not deter him from performing his duties as M.P. of Rajya Sabha.
He is survived by his wife and three daughters-
Upinder, Daman and Amrit. Incidently, he was born also on 26th day of September in 1932, a sheer coincidence.

A photo of Manmohan Singh (MMS) began being flashed on T.V. and Social media from late night on 26th December. But it was a black and white photo of a beaming MMS taken in his North Block chamber, which outshone other transparencies and photos.Countrymen were reminded of the selfless service rendered by this frail looking but intelligent and alert officer turned parliamentarian of 33 years standing.

Humble Beginnings

Taking off from humble village level origins, MMS completed his Graduation from Punjab University, followed by an Economics degree from Cambridge University. He went on to secure a D.Phil. degree from Oxford University.One of his early achievements was to teach at Delhi School of Economics.By his avid and diligent performance, he was able to get the country rid of years of slow or tepid growth and substantial deficit.Thus, India was in a position to open up to the world, at last.The dreaded and conformed trouble spot Inspector Raj went away for ever.

A Reluctant Politician

He was invited by P.V. Narasimha Rao to be the Finance Minister in 1991.
At first instance, he expressed his unwillingness. He expressed so when he was ‘pushed’ into the coveted chair of Prime Minister in 2004 by Sonia Gandhi, the Prima Donna of Congress. He could survive and thrive despite not getting involved into the mystic nuances of politics.Known for his humility and simplicity, MMS wore many hats during his distinguished and illustrious career.

Multiple Roles & Responsibilities

MMS,as he gained experience over the years, had the remarkable ability to withstand the currents of turbulent waters of Indian politics despite his simplicity, sincerety and high integrity on the one hand and his vast administrative experiences as a senior officer with UNCTAD, Chief Economic Advisor, Finance Secretary , Advisor to P.M.and Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, on the other. He also was appointed as Secretary General of the prestigious South Commission.Unfortunately, despite his hard work, the Commission could not take off.

Background of Pakistan Village

A noble soul,an extraordinary economist, and a reformer, MMS was a source of inspiration for many Indians, especially from vulnerable sections who possessed right education but due to scarce resources and guidance, did not have the means to achieve the positions they aspired. Value of MMS is being realised now that he has left for heavenly abode.

Son of Gurmukh Singh Kohli, Clerk in a dry fruit shop, he took birth in Gah Begal, a village of Chakwal District of Punjab province of Pakistan, which was devoid of drinking water, electricity and a health centre.His mother died when he was barely five months old. His grandmother looked after him, thereafter. He had to walk a long distance to school. At night, he would study under the dim light of a Kerosene oil lamp. As a sign of gratitude, MMS got the village school renovated, built a hospital and played a role in bringing solar light to the village. Had it been some other Indian politician, he would not have bothered for a Pakistani village.

Commanded Respect Everywhere

Though MMS was never publicity conscious, he would find adequate respect and attention even from people opposed to him and leaders globally for his virtues, understanding and knack for not getting involved into games of connivance and controversies.Wherever MMS was, his name and fame carried him forward.In bi-lateral meetings and international conferences, delegates looked forward to listen to him attentively.

Flagship Schemes & Steps

Life of Indians has become rather easy and free of complications due to the liberalisation drive MMS fathered in 1991 but these were also supported point blank by his shrwed leader ,P.V.Narasimha Rao. Hence, part credit should be due to him.No reform of such a magnitude, dimension and outreach can be undertaken unless there is a strong and sustained political will.

MMS was also responsible for National Rural Health Scheme, enactment of Right to Information, Right to food to citizens, Right to Education Acts and for launch of long lasting MNREGA, which boosted rural wages, apart from creating durable community assets.

The ambitious AADHAR scheme was also launched in September, 2010. However, despite its strong points, it is having some demerits relating to identification of beneficiaries and wrong inclusion of non- Indians. Drive recently started against illegal Bangladeshis in Delhi will throw more light on the issue.

For giving relief to harassed farmers, Agricultural Debt Waiver & Debt Relief Scheme was launched with wide publicity.

For ensuring rights of the backward sections Land Acquisition Act, 2013 came into being. It was a landmark legislation for ensuring higher and swift payment for all types of acquisitions of land.

His firm policies led to enactment of Special Economic Zones Act of 2005 which boosted exports to a large extent.

From an extremely depressing scenario at the time of his taking over, MMS pushed the GDP growth to 7.8 %. At present, it is barely 6 %.

Indo-U.S. Civil & Nuclear Deal could be inked only due to deft handling by MMS. At this juncture, leftists led by CPI (M) did not cooperate with him and ultimately ditched him.

Dr.Singh also received global appreciation for competent handling of 2008 global financial crisis.He actually shielded India brilliantly.

Dirty & Shameful Politics Over Memorial

By the time the body of MMS was taken to his residence, corridors of power were abuzz with allotment of a site for his Memorial in the surroundings of Raj Ghat. As nothing positive emerged from the stubborn and immune ruling benches, Congress party had no option but to decide to cremate him at Nigambodh Ghat.

When Mallikarjun Kharge, Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha(LOORS) approached the Self Proclaimed Pradhan Sewak of the country, he cleverly passed the buck to all powerful & short tempered Mota Bhai. In a way, LOORS was humiliated. Even then it was expected that good sense would, at last prevail upon the P.M, who had decided to allot a piece of land for late A.B.Vajpayee within a few minutes.SAD.

This writer is ASHAMED of Being AN Indian.

As frantic wait for a decision which is still hoped for, it would be prudent to indicate that arrangements made by MHA at Nigambodh Ghat were extremely shabby and far from expectations of MMS family. Many relatives of the departed soul were prevented from entering. Among the T.V. channels, only old faithful, Door Darshan was permitted and its camera focused only on ‘Trio’ of ruling party.When Gun Salute was being given, the DD camera was once again focused on P.M. & his ‘personal Home Minister’.To add insult to injury, only 3 chairs were allotted for 8 family members of the departed soul. And LOOLS, Rahul Gandhi was not offered any chair. So mean for a ruling party which does not have even a simple majority in Lok Sabha.

A Puppet Prime Minister ?

Several vested interests with little experience of public life have unfortunately dubbed MMS as a Puppet P.M. and that real power was exercised by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi for a decade. Well, there can be opinions and opinions.MMS will not wake up from his death to rebut and clarify.When Rajiv Gandhi called Planning Commission, led by MMS as Jokers and when his ‘worthy’ son tore off an ordinance publicly, MMS, listening to the voice of his conscience decided to RESIGN. But he was advised against it by his friends.This amply shows that he took decisions firmly and also had courage and a greater degree of self respect.

Personal Note

On a personal note,I may submit that my getting an opportunity to Call On MMS thrice with my former Chief Minister was very pleasing and extremely rewarding. Also one can never forget the sumptuous Dinner hosted for us at Moscow in August,1996 by his second daughter and her husband Sri Patnaik, who was First Secretary of India in Russia.

Hurried visit of MMS to my cadre state of Sikkim in September, 2011 after an Earthquake of 6.1 on Richter scale, impressed the common man very much and touched the heart of every Sikkimese.
This is how life goes on and ills of the system go on perpetuating, apart from fresh innovations and discoveries.

Tributes From All Over

In the exalted and hallowed corridors of power, qualities of MMS were talked about and T.V., Social Media and newspapers were flooded with the news, features and images of him.Tributes also poured in from across the Globe.

President Draupadi Murmu said that Dr.Manmohan Singh will always be remembered for his service to the nation.His passing is a great loss to all of us.

President V. Putin of Russia has called him an outstanding statesman.

President Anura K.Dissanayake of Sri Lanka called him a visionary leader.His influence transcended national boundaries.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim of Malyasia has felt that Singh’s economic reforms helped India become an economic giant.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who learnt as also was critical of policies of Dr.Singh at one time, paid rich tribute to the departed soul. He said “As P.M., Dr.Singh left a strong imprint on economic policy. Rising from humble origins, he made extensive efforts to improve people’s lives.’

Sonia Gandhi has called MMS a friend, philosopher and guide.His compassion and vision empowered the lives of millions of Indians.

Mallikarjun Kharge,
President of Congress remembered him as a visionary statesman and a leader of unimpeachable integrity.

According to a former Chief Economic Advisor to Government of India, he was a combination of sharp intellect, innate modesty and personal integrity.

One of the best tributes, however, came from former U.S.President, Barack Obama. To quote him, “Singh was a man of uncommon decency and wisdom who was a fitting emblem of the progress made by India”.

Summing Up

In retrospect, MMS through his academic acumen, thinking and actions could leave an indelible imprint on economic policy of India and its path breaking liberalisation process. A person of high integrity, the country owes its economic turnaround to him.A person of impeccable character and humility, he was able to get removed bureaucratic shackles and allowed private enterprises to flourish.

His service to the country will always be remembered.A less speaking person , he was deeply committed to purposeful action.He spent his life full of dignity and self respect.Not a typical politician, he slowly transformed himself into an exceptional leader.Overall, MMS was a remarkable human being. His yomen service to the nation should NOT go waste.


Alok k.Shrivastava,
Ex-C.S, Sikkim

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