The great soul of our “Bapu’s”birth anniversary,
Is also the international day of Non-violence,
The World Habitat Day celebrated annually, Mk Gandhi had great faith in humanity,
Humanity is an ocean,few dirty drops don’t make it dirty,
First they will ignore and then laugh,
Then might fight but you win they starve,
Before the throne of the Almighty,
Men will not be judged by his acts but intention,
For God alone reads our heart’s submission,
So mind your thought’s retention,
Happiness is when what you think you say,
And what you do are in total harmony ,
Thoughts become actions and then habit,
Habits become values leading to destiny.
Spiritual relationship is more precious than physical,
Prayer is not asking but longing of soul,
A daily admission of one’s weakness,
Each night an eternal sleep of death,
Next morning waking up rejuvenated in rebirth.
A strong belief in oneself is strong conviction,
Anger and intolerance are enemies of compassion,
A ‘No’ uttered from deepest core honestly,
Better than an ‘yes’ merely in flattery,
Moral basis is foundation of spirituality ,
There is no religion over riding morality,
Man cannot be untrue,cruel or incontinent,
And claim to be a Godly resident,
Truth is by nature self evident ,
As soon as one removes cobwebs of ignorance,
Fearlessness is the first requisite of spirituality,
Cowards can never be moral in reality,
Strength comes not from physical capacity,
But an indomitable will of invincibility,
If we are to teach the world real peace,
We shall have to begin with children at ease ,
Freedom is worth having to commit mistakes,
To err is human not brutal retakes ,
Conquer opponent’s enmity with love,
Confront hatred and rise above.
There is only one God and yes,
Quote Gandhi-”I am all Hindu,
A Muslim,a Christian,a Buddhist and a Jew.”There is force in Universe that will flow,
And produce miraculous results multifold.
Jyotirmaya Thakur