Because He Loved Me

“Because He Loved Me”

It was upon a tree that an innocent man was crucified,
sent from God to Earth, to die to rescue and save a lost sinner like me!
Scourged and beaten, with a cat-of-nine-tails,
as it tore His flesh from His body, He took my punishment, designed and intended for me!

Humiliated, shamed, naked and bleeding, He bore all of my sins, my misdeeds,
suffering pain, extreme agony, hanging on that tree, dying so willingly!
He paid the price for God’s Glory to be justly restored, between Him and me!
Setting me absolutely free, once and for all, at Calvary!

He died, was buried, and rose again! So will I, because I live in Him!
Within my High Priest, I reside!
I am healed, justified, sanctified and glorified, through Jesus Christ,
Who became The Holy Sacrifice for His Church, His Bride!

That is you and me! If we believe and accept what He did to set us free!
If we sleep or are alive, we will be raised in the twinkling of an eye!
Look up to the Eastern Sky, He’s coming back soon. He’ll meet us in the sky!
God’s promises will come to pass! My friend, this is where our hope lies!

Mary Lynn Luiz
Winter Haven, Florida

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