Be positive …The Gita
Many pandemics have come and gone wreaking havoc on humanity. It is the choices we as civilizations have made that has brought on these calamities on ourselves. From 1918, the influenza type pandemics started. Remember the H1N1 pandemic in 1918 followed by years of pandemics in 1957,1968, 1977 the Spanish flue, bird flue, swine flue etc, etc? We have witnessed the tragedy of all that . This too shall pass. It is the staggering death toll of loved ones and strangers which causes depression in the heart of the most hopeful of fellow humans.
Mankind is trying its best individually to fight it, science is working at a faster pace than ever before to find powerful antidotes yet when people near and dear are affected, it is a huge challenge to be positive.
We have a miracle book in India called the Bhagawat Gita. It teaches Arjuna a single human representing all humans in a similar state of doubt, how to face the calamity about to break loose on his loved ones and fellow human beings in the form of a war. Is the situation faced now by humanity different from a war? Don’t you think the Gita could teach us now too how to be people of action with equanimity. Krishna is indeed a religious icon but Gita overflows with philosophical concepts which can teach anyone to be equanimous at the worst of times.
No doubt all rules laid out for protecting oneself from the virus have to be adhered to strictly as that is the only way to be protected. But when one is personally affected the best way to deal with the situation would be to act and speak with equanimity. Do the very best you can to salvage the situation at hand but do so with equanimity. Helpless, emotional frenzy should be the last way to deal with it. Be well informed about the situation then laced with equanimity take every decision so that you take better decisions with more clarity.
An equanimous state of mind doesn’t happen suddenly. It has to be cultivated and in my humble opinion the Gita is one of the best books to guide one on it. The earlier you start reading it the better.
Gita says in Dhyana yoga chapter , verse 5-
‘Uddharedatmanaatmaanam naatmaanamvasaadayet
Aatmaiv hyatmano bandhu raat main ripuraatmanah’
‘Lift yourself by yourself. Do not put yourself down. You are your best friend and you are your enemy too.’
Here the higher interpretation of the verse is to know that to lift oneself up consciously, with awareness to reach the higher self. In the present environment of despair it conveys the message of not to feel hopeless or sink in despair but to lift oneself up towards a positive higher mental state to fight the danger facing us. If we don’t help ourselves nobody can.
Another Shloka says in the same chapter, verse 9
Saadhushvapi cha paapeshu samabuddhivirshishyate
‘People with good thoughts, friends, enemies, the indifferent ones, the peacemaker, haters, relations by blood, saints, sinners all must be treated equally if you wish to belong to a higher state of mind.’
An important attitude to develop for those in position and power when dealing with those struck with the terrible pandemic.
Gita has many gems of pointers to look at this world in a way that will cause equanimity in us.
It stresses upon whole hearted effort and striving for a higher goal. Of course it also gives the most important message that the immortal soul is not going to be affected by whatever the body is going through .
During these times of extraordinary stress reading the Gita regularly, alone or as family can prove to be a great source of strength and positivity. It will provide sanity by detaching one a bit from the turmoil around.
If not the Gita pick up what other book boosts your morale and read a little everyday to feel assured, to feel positive and to be filled with equanimity. Prayer is good but accepting reality and dealing with it with clarity needs equanimity.
Philosophy is not just platitude. It gives us neatly plated ‘Sutras’ one needs in dealing with life, pandemics and much more!
It gives you much needed space between your misery and yourself.
Humanity has gone through much over the centuries and has the tenacity to fight this tragedy too.
Radha Janardhan