Its Afghanistan Afghanistan all around, all over print and electronic media. Reporting, sharing and dissemination of facts as also rumours may appear to be in right spirits.But no one is trying to go close to actual reality.

Individuals inclined or tilted towards this hidden , tough terrain and overall inclement weather nation, themselves do not dare to undertake a visit. Most of information therefrom is second or third hand or at times, straight from the horse’s mouth- what we may term tale of sufferers,both Afghans and those earlier working in Afghanistan.There are a few former Sikh origin Senators as well as Indian NATO or other nation embassy employees, who may have been compelled to leave behind their hard earned personal belongings, and may be,fortune worth millions of US Dollars.

Afghanistan should not always mean being synonymous with
Opium, or much in demand metal such as,Lithium( used in making electric car batteries).It may also signify being at the core of a changing Central Asia region around which things or events may revolve in future.

Why should we have fresh Chinese interest when Russian influence, if not take over of Afghanistan, subsequent to US led withdrawal was going to be a foregone conclusion ?Also by gaining entry ,China wishes to have one more partner,other than Pakistan.


On the one hand,India rightly or wrongly may aspire requisite signals soon but a much closer watch may be desirable for her to keep an Eagle’s eye over Iran and Gulf region. Also the masters of Dragon diplomacy as opposed to Ping Pong one of yesteryears, may increase interest in CIS countries, many of which such as Turkmenistan despite being Islamic, have bowed before US designs & machinations.

One may dare to submit that China has not taken fresh impetus to QUAD given by USA,INDIA, FRANCE ,JAPAN etc sportingly, in the name of maritime interest or resources. Therefore, flexing of muscles by her, in Afghan region should not go waste.


Referring to vitally important issue of human concern if not appeals , statements or demonstrations relating to unthinkable crisis in Afghanistan, when not only innocent mothers and sisters are being butchered , a delivery has just taken inside a plane in flight and the goal of safe arrival in a friendly place may be merely a temporary respite, don’t we take the names of Greta Thurman, Mia Khalifa or Malala Yusufzai ?

When a vested group of Indian Kisans took to streets ,these self proclaimed H.R.champions jumped the band wagon to criticize, rather condemn Govt.of India vehementally.But When it comes to much more pain giving Afghan crisis, they ,in unison have decided to keep mum.

Is it double standard or double speak of Orwellian kind?Only time will tell.

Awful and mind shaking items, snaps, videos hurriedly recorded, depicting savage deeds pertaining to shooting in cold blood,flogging & stoning to death episodes, dropping of three desperate individuals from a rescue plane, firing on innocents, thronging Kabul airport etc. are dominating the social media.These keep drawing attention of well surmising and right thinking individuals.

But there is no one to suggest even a temporary solution to this unthinkable, never ending mayhem.Even an extremely desperate and passionate appeal by Rashid Khan ,an IPL & County cricket veteran and courageous & daredevil interviews by a handful of Afghan women anchors & human right activists may not be making much dent.Slowly abnormal developments may take the shape of normalcy as in Iran,Syria or a few other countries,which dared to show their ” modern” face, albeit for a few years.


As opposed to developments in a few Islamic countries or even in Afghanistan during the last decade,one difference looks discernible – Faint hope about a changed & moderate face of pall bearers of TALIBAN, appears to be Emerging.BUT simultaneously, one also sees headlines , namely.

*Vice President Salah, after claiming Presidency, goes to Panjshir to show camaraderie with son of former Warlord Masoud, who was suspiciously murdered before bombing of New York World Trade Centre.

*Former CEO Abdullah Abdullah’s utterance that God will decide fate of Ashraf Ghani.

*Women fearing for intensified torture & flogging when public punishments are going to be daily events.

*Chaos clouds Kabul Airport when both Talibans and US troops have assumed positions.

*Joe Biden, while sticking to his decision to withdraw troops,also hinting at extension of deadline.

*Taliban Return may threaten India’s security.

*UNO & India led Security Council proving Totally Ineffective AND WHAT NOT ?


In order to throw light on contemporary situation, with a view to hint at arriving at a tentative perspective on future scenario,it should be advisable to RECAPITULATE.
Well ,a Sun worshiping, Hindu, Buddhist & Jewish land of erstwhile Khorasan, till 7th Century, gave way to invaders,looters as also stay backers,such as, Ghengiz Khan, Ahmed Shah Abdali(Durrani),Mohyal Shahi and many others due to lack of clarity about a vision, understanding and unity among four main territorial regions of Balkh, Herat,Ghazni and Kabul.

Looks as if Dari and Pashto, two major languages did not get influenced in a populous region(present fertility rate of 2.33% per year has led to a fertility incidence of 4.56 births per female ). Almost negative net migration wiith the passage of time also baffles.
Even occupation of Delhi Sultanate for 75 years by the Lodi Dynasty of Afghanistan and much later, their victory in Anglo Afghan war did not show any implication. As such, an average Afghan is considered “controversial” for taking revenge, probably at the cost of development of his country.


Once an unknown belief system of Islam for this part of isolated world, not only dominates now but has become All Pervading, jso much so ,that basic needs like sanitation, education,health, immunization, maintenance of rural areas and haphazard urban conglomerates,scientific tapping of metallic resources,rich handicraft traditions etc appear largely neglected.

Interestingly, Kaffirstan region of Hindukush was not converted until 19th Century.
Despite obvious constraints and shortcomings, display of “Might is Right” was carried forward from one empire to another.


As regards factors contributing to current tragedy in Afghanistan , one may be misled by the propaganda of West as opposed to attempts at assertion by the East.
One video of a Media house called “Timeline” however,appears different.
In Brief , it divulges the following:

Popular belief about beginning of Mujahedeen upsurge against the USSR ” sponsored” regime in Afghanistan was July 1979,not December 1979.

The then U.S. President Jimmy Carter had sanctioned a sum of US$500 millions for giving birth and sustaining Mujahedeen,which also boosted simultaneous growth of Osama-bin-Laden,Taliban,Al-
Quieda and September 11 Groups. Also simultaneously , a vast gas & oil pipeline was launched between Central Asia and Afghanistan, in which Mujahedeen continue to have a “cut”.

*While Mujahideen were a pampered lot for a long time,President Bush, Senior, never felt comfortable.They became a target group of U.S.immediately after 9/11 savage incident.

As per disclosure of Ray McGovern,an Ex-senior CIA officer, U.S.never believed in attacking ‘Strong’ countries,even though she,as per statement of one former Secretary of State, was too slow in getting involved anywhere,consequent upon End of cold war period.

As per McGovern, as many as 72 interventions were made by USA since 2nd World War.


Do’nt we think that the above mentioned video does open a Pandora’s Box And also lifts a certain suspense over many inhuman acts and conspiracies of western designs ,spearheaded by USA ?
Taking a further cue, one may believe the brand new announcement of USA to the effect that US led forces may stay back in Afghanistan if situation did not improve.
Atleast, realising further deterioration in state of affairs, USA is reported to have strengthened its vigil inside and outside Kabul Airport.

Temporary halt to Indian rescue efforts followed by back to square one situation in no time, also prevents even a casual assessment of situation or making a fluid prediction over the future scenario.


Why only next stand of USA, even India does not seem to be divulging her trend or plan clearly vis-a-vis Neo-Talibans. Late statement of the latter that India like other four major players,viz,China,Russia,Pakistan and Iran should not have shut her embassy in Kabul,may lead to some degree of interest, if not optimism.
But the immediate and past deeds of new controllers of Afghanistan can not inspire any confidence

This much is certain that common man of the war torn country leading to a shattered social system had enough of it. So they MAY NOT take things lying down.


Afghanistan, in the light of regular appearance of terrifying , horrible and savage acts being perpetrated, continues to be in news.
But silence or further announcements alike, by China, Russia and Iran also,at the same time, may bring in an Element of Surprise. Continued ,if not Well thought of SILENCE on the part of OIC and almost all Muslim nations, may also make right thinking people very upset,if not shocked.


Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Statue has been Vandalised In PAKISTAN, Talibans Blow Up A Statue Of A.A. MAZARI, a Shia Militia leader In Bamiyan And Three Killed As Talibans Face First Round of Protest In Jalalabad.
Last development may be a fatal setback to Taliban’s resolve to re- consolidate Islamic rule, their “promises” of peace , respecting rights of women within the framework of Islamic law and NOT taking revenge against old enemies.


To Conclude, the 2002 Review Article Of The Book – Clash Of Fundamentalisms by Tariq Ali, By John Gray of Independent ,London appears appropriate even NOW.
It says and I quote with Reference to Role of USA:

“Harshest Critics Of Fundamentalism Are Often Exponents of A Rival Fundamentalism”.

Dr. Aaloc Srivastav,

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